One of the leading news channels, USA Today,  has highlighted their top 100 places you’ll want to visit in 2021 #summerholidays

The USA today channel is one of the most visited news channels in North America.

dubrovnik2020 year was like no other. It was a year when trips and vacations were cancelled, a year when we stayed at home instead of travelling like we used to. This year, even though the vaccination has begun, the pandemic isn’t unfortunately near its end.

However, we all hope that 2021 will bring us more travelling, more parties and events with our families and friends. USA Today employees and associates, together with its travel site, has singled out the most attractive placed to visit in 2021. We are beyond excited to see that USA Today ranked Croatia at 11th place in its top 100 list of countries.

This is what USA Today states: ‘Croatia has been on my list for a while, and the wanderlust is real. Will be ticking off as many spots as possible in 2021- Hines’. To find out what other destinations are included on the list, please follow this link

Furthermore, Croatia Tourist Board mentioned that Croatia was also listed in the article Below Deck Mediterranean: Most Instagrammable locations by the Travel Daily News. Read it here